Как создать логотип для сайта
- Photographers Logo | Minimalism
- Photographers Logo | Product
- Шаг 10.
- AAA Logo
- Photographers Logo | Fashion
- Jeta Logo Designer
- CorelDraw
- Part 3 — Is Photoshop Ideal for Logo Design? Any Better Alternatives?
- Photographers Logo | Macro
- Создание векторной маски
- Part 1 — Key Logo Design Ideas & Principles — Photoshop Tutorial
- Photographers Logo | Lifestyle
- Photographers Logo | Architecture
- Photography Logo | Wedding
- Why You Need a Photography Logo?
- Part 2 — How to Create Logo in Photoshop? — Step by Step Photoshop Logo Tutorial
- Photographers Logo | Portrait
Photographers Logo | Minimalism
Every style of photography is good for this type of logos. It often has a very simple background and doesn’t contain a lot of words, the picture is usually simple, without complicated elements. This type of logos has a significant advantage – they are multipurpose and suitable for every style of photography. So if you haven’t decided what photo style to choose or you are shooting your pictures in all styles, they will be the ideal choice for you then.
Color camera with a lens – a small and neat logo has very few elements, only the most necessary.
Photography Logo Template
Black circle with a name – here there is no camera, just your name with white letters on a black background, but this logo everywhere will be easily noticeable.
Photography Logo Template
Pink camera and handwritten inscription inside – a variation of the past logo, but here the outline of the name is the camera lens.
Photography Logo Template
Two-color camera – the upper part of the camera is transparent, and the lower part is white. Excellent for dark types of photos.
Photography Logo Template
Abstract camera – the camera of a strange shape with a parts of the name on both sides.
Photography Logo Template
An interesting variation of the logo about which we have spoke earlier. Now the camera seems to be hidden behind the inscription.
Photography Logo Template
The camera is presented in the best minimalist style — four corners and a circle in the middle. The rainbow inscription inside gives a zest.
Photography Logo Template
A camera made of simple geometric shapes – what can be even more minimalistic?
Photography Logo Template
The lens of geometric shapes – is an interesting design, suitable for almost any photo.
Photography Logo Template
Nice minimalistic logo – is an interesting combination of colors and small camera picture.
Photography Logo Template
The name in the translucent frame – is a simple design, just your name in a thick frame
Photography Logo Template
Two color lens. – Bright colors that are visible on the photos, that’s why your photography logo won’t stay unnoticed.
Photography Logo Template
A minimalistic logo on a translucent background, a picture of a camera made from un-drawn lines looks original.
Photography Logo Template
Neat camera with a prominent lens. – The original combination of thick and thin lines.
Photography Logo Template
A pink camera from simple shapes. – Suitable for nature photos or light spring photos with a blurred background.
Photography Logo Template
Camera on a matte background – an excellent choice of a logo if you basically use warm tones.
Photography Logo Template
Photographers Logo | Product
Product photography is a type of photography where the items for sale are being photographed. This genre has appeared thanks to the trading platforms (Amazon, Etsy, etc.). There are two main types of product photos — lifestyle and white background photography. The lifestyle photography includes photos on models, flat lay photos, desktop photography. Such photog must have a logo which will show the people his or her style, they must understand what business you are connected with. Use photography logo templates photoshop to create a stunning logotype.
Hands hold an imaginary camera (white version) – an excellent choice will alternate this and the dark version shown earlier, depending on the photos.
Photography Logo Template
Old camera style – nothing superfluous, just your name and a small camera icon.
Photography Logo Template
Camera on a tripod – an excellent choice for placing on a light background. We recommend using it for a flat lay photos.
Photography Logo Template
A tiny camera in the middle of the name – a bright and positive logo that is suitable for photos of the same type.
Photography Logo Template
Шаг 10.
Создайте новый слой. Выберите инструмент Овальная
область (EllipticalMarqueeTool), чтобы
создать овальную область. Залейте созданную овальную область белым цветом.
Убедитесь, чтобы белый овал закрывал чуть меньше, чем на половину поверхность
банана, как показано на скриншоте ниже:
Шаг 11.
Преобразуйте данный слой с белым овалом в обтравочную
маску к слою с бананом (Alt+щёлкните между двумя слоями в палитре слоёв).
Также, поменяйте режим наложения для данного слоя на Осветление (Screen), а
также уменьшите непрозрачность слоя до 25%.
Шаг 12.
При необходимости, вы можете применить размытие или
инструмент Палец(smudge) к кромке овала, чтобы смягчить кромку для
естественности. Также, для детализации, вы можете добавить к изображению банана
оттенки зелёного цвета (создайте новый слой и на новом слое, с помощью мягкой
кисти бледно-зелёного цвета, прокрасьте штрихами по поверхности банана. Не
забудьте преобразовать данный слой в обтравочную маску и поменять режим
наложения на Цветность (color). А затем, примените Размытие по Гауссу
(GaussianBlur), чтобы смягчить цвет).
Шаг 13.
Объедините 2 и 3 слой. Выделите банан и уменьшите его с помощью
свободного трансформирования. После чего создайте новый слой и нарисуйте круг
вокруг банана. Залейте круг светло-желтым или любым другим цветом. Вот так:
Шаг 14.
Добавьте тени 2 и 3 слою для большей чувствительности.
Шаг 15
Залейте банан светло-зеленым цветом. Добавьте текст «BONANA»,
подберите шрифт (FatFineFree или
любой другой), деформируйте его по своему вкусу, добавьте тень.
Вот так! Наш логотип готов:
Курсовое проектирование на тему «Создание 3D логотипа в
AdobePhotoshop» были выполнены в графических программах AdobePhotoshop CS3
с помощью растровой графики.
Цель курсовой работы и поставленные задачи выполнены. Я познакомилась с
программой AdobePhotoshop, научилась пользоваться панелью
инструментов, и с успехом нарисовала 3D логотип.
В ходе работы можно сделать следующие выводы:
) Логотипы имеют большую роль в современном мире. Они являются
отличительным знаком торговых фирм и компаний и способствуют привлечению
) На сегодня существует множество программ для разработки логотипов
(такие как AdobePhotoshop), поэтому их можно создавать в
домашних условиях.
) Успех логотипа зависит от его формы и цвета
Правильно подобранные
цвета будут эффективней привлекать внимание
Список используемой литературы
1. Photoshop. Художественные приемы и профессиональные
. Волкова Е. В. Издание: 1-е, 2005 год, 256 стр
. Photoshop. Популярный самоучитель. Жвалевский А. В.,
Гурский Ю. А.
Издание: 1-е, 2006 год, 192 стр.
. Лучшие трюки и эффекты в Photoshop. Ю. Гурский, Н.
Издание: 1-е, 2006 год, Объем: 192 стр.
. Материалы с сайта #»785603.files/image027.gif»>
AAA Logo
AAA Logo Software
Полное название программы – AAA Logo Software. Одна из самых удобных и популярных программ.
В основе программы лежит большое количество уже почти готовых логотипов, которыми можно воспользоваться в качестве шаблонов, а также несчетное количество иконок для создания собственных, уникальных, логотипов.
При запуске программы, автоматически открывается окно, в котором можно выбрать шаблон для изготовления логотипа.
Делятся шаблоны на шесть категорий. После того, как вы выбрали шаблон, вы автоматически попадаете в окно редактирования.
Если вам подходит шаблонный рисунок, то вам нужно будет только заменить текст.
Чтобы сделать это, требуется всего лишь кликнуть левой кнопкой мыши по тексту, после чего выше кликнуть кнопку «Text» и откроется минимизированный текстовый редактор. Здесь вы сможете выбрать цвет, шрифт и размер текстовой подписи.
При выделении левой кнопкой мыши какого-либо элемента будущего логотипа на верхней панели доступные инструменты будут меняться в зависимости от свойств и функций элемента.
Если вы хотите создать полностью новый логотип по своему проекту или эскизу, вам также будет предложено огромное количество иконок, элементов и инструментов для его создания.
Иконки можно изменять по цвету, размеру, текстуре, приложить различные эффекты и применить множество других интересных действий.
В демо версии имеется 24 готовых логотипа, более 500 иконок и неограниченное количество различных элементов всех возможных цветов, форм и размеров.
При таком огромном наборе создать свой логотип – легко и просто. В AAA Logo огромный простор для творчества и проявления фантазии.
- простой и понятный интерфейс;
- огромное количество доступных иконок и инструментов;
- возможность тонкой настройки каждого элемента отдельно.
- расширенные возможности доступны только в платной версии;
- русификатор требует отдельной установки.
Photographers Logo | Fashion
No need to explain that fashion photography is a genre connected with fashionable items and clothes displaying. It’s often used for advertisements and for fashion magazines. Time requires innovations, that’s why nowadays fashionable clothes are complemented by exotic locations and extraordinary accessories. The logo of a fashion photographer must be simple and stylish, it also depends on the style of photography you are using (street clothes, sports clothes, etc.). Our designers will help you to create free photography logos for your prosperous photo business.
Camera sketch drawing – an excellent choice of logo especially for photos of street-style clothes.
Photography Logo Template
Funny camera and old-style font – are great for autumn style photos with advertising clothes this season.
Photography Logo Template
Lens in the hands – simplicity and severity of the logo is perfect for all styles of fashion photography.
Photography Logo Template
Minimalist strict logo – classical magazine fonts are perfectly combined with a simple image of the camera.
Photography Logo Template
Logo in the wall drawing style – a cream color will look great on warm photos.
Photography Logo Template
The stars around the camera – is a simple logo that will look great on the photos of fashion shows or promotional photos.
Photography Logo Template
Jeta Logo Designer
Jeta Logo Designer
Программа предлагает создание различных логотипов, от текстовых до комбинированных. Представляет собой сочетание простого и понятного интерфейса и многофункциональности.
Одним из недостатков является нерусифицированное меню. Однако благодаря понятной панели инструментов, такой недостаток не создает серьезных затруднений.
В «багаже» программы имеется большое количество шаблонов и различных графических элементов, которые впоследствии можно также редактировать.
При изменении текста утилита предоставляет множество интересных шрифтов, цвет и размер которых можно также изменять по своему усмотрению.
Помимо всего перечисленного, также имеется разнообразие стилей.
Это сделано для того, чтобы в случае, когда у пользователя нет времени на редактирование элементов вручную, и он просто не хочет этого делать, можно применить один стиль из множества.
В программе встроено более 20 категорий стилей, в каждом из которых не менее 50 элементов.
- множество шаблонов для создания логотипов;
- простой и понятный интерфейс;
- огромное количество инструментов, эффектов, стилей и др.
- нерусифицированное меню;
- нет функции «ручного» рисования;
- пробная версия несколько ограниченная, чтобы получить расширенные функции, нужно приобрести лицензию.
Утилита предназначена для профессионального создания и редактирования изображений, в том числе и логотипов.
По популярности ее можно сравнить с Adobe Photoshop. Программа насчитывает более двадцати версий.
CorelDraw имеет «в багаже» огромный функционал и возможности, которые ограничиваются только вашими планами и воображением.
При первом запуске новичку потребуется некоторое время для того, чтобы разобраться с панелью инструментов и цветовой палитрой.
В остальном работа в программе довольно простая.
- постоянная поддержка разработчика;
- занимает небольшой объем памяти на жестком диске;
- многофункциональная панель инструментов;
- поддерживается всеми операционными системами.
- платная программа, но имеет бесплатную пробную версию, которая длится 15 дней;
- огромное количество кнопок в основном окне программы.
Part 3 — Is Photoshop Ideal for Logo Design? Any Better Alternatives?
Quite a few renowned designers have stood out and advocated «Using Photoshop to create a logo may lead you to the path of redesigning a logo again and again, especially when PS fails to meet physical dimensions and dpi requirements (without pixelation).»
Any better alternatives? Aye! Have a try on DesignEvo — an easier logo maker online. You can give it a free run from its homepage: https://www.designevo.com/
DesignEvo has earned legions of fans with its easiness and rich logo templates. Let’s say, you also want to DIY a coffee logo for free. DesignEvo can show you tens of well-designed templates for coffee, just like below.
Image: how to easier design a coffee logo with DesignEvo.
Make Free Logos
Despite it being more straightforward and offering suggestions for nice logo ideas, DesignEvo has the full capability to output vector logo design. All logos designed within DesignEvo are allowed to be downloaded as an SVG file without any quality loss. Best of best, it beats Photoshop in price when designing a logo. In DesignEvo, a logo under 500 px * 500 px in size is free of charge. Plus plan for a logo design is in a time-limited discount, that’s $39.99, covering a lifetime download of SVG, JPG and PNG and supporting a Max resolution of 5000 px * 5000 px.
Photographers Logo | Macro
Macro photography includes photographing of small objects, it can be insects, flowers, plants, jewelry or even ordinary casual objects captured from an unusual angle. Macro photography makes a photographer to look carefully at things. A shooter searches for minute subject matter and makes the ordinary objects look different. The logo must contain a part of macro photography style, which you are frequently using, nature or objects, for example.
The sun inside the lens – is a wonderful choice for nature photographers and light photos on the background.
Photography Logo Template
Dark camera in a careless circle – this logo contains a large number of elements, so it is suitable for simple photos, but still can be too much noticeable.
Photography Logo Template
Romantic logo with a heart shaped lens — if you are a girl photographer and want to add a little romantic mood to your logo, then this is your choice.
Photography Logo Template
White name logo inside the camera – we have already shown something similar in the Landscape logo. Excellent choice for dark photos.
Photography Logo Template
Name through the camera – an interesting idea, the logo itself is made in thick lines, but at the same time it looks not too bulky.
Photography Logo Template
Name brackets from the lens – also a logo with thick lines. It will be clearly visible in the photo, unlike those that can easily get lost on the background.
Photography Logo Template
One of the few logos not having a camera image. Instead of «PhotoGrapher» you can insert your name. A good choice for simple and minimalistic photos on a light background.
Photography Logo Template
White on black – a logo that combines the elements of the two logos that we have mentioned earlier.
Photography Logo Template
Rectangular camera on a tripod – a simple and beautiful, nothing superfluous. A good choice if you want something special, but not too bulky.
Photography Logo Template
Elegant and neat camera – the simplest fonts and elementary drawing of the camera will suit any photographer.
Photography Logo Template
Создание векторной маски
Процесс создания векторной маски отлично описан в моей статье Векторная маска в фотошопе. Осуществим этот процесс быстро и без деталей. Убедитесь, что ваш конур выделен в палитре Path Выберите из меню Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color В появившемся окне выберите цвет и кликните ОК Вот и все. Точнее было бы все если бы это не был hronofag.ru Помните я говорил вам, что чем меньше изображение, тем хуже оно переведется. Готов поспорить на руках у вас какой-то грязный скан засунутый в Ворд, который заказчик требует перевести в вектор? Я угадал? При этом изображение пережато JPG сжатием, уменьшено, потом увеличено, затем опять уменьшено до размеров аватарки, и ещё на него пролили кетчуп. Можно ли качественно перевести в Фотошопе в вектор такую картинку? Для начала посмотрите на наш логотип. Не смотря на отличное разрешение, четкие края Фотошоп не сумел создать хорошие и ровные контуры. Иллюстратор делает это в 100 раз лучше, но статья не про иллюстратор. Как видите контуры не везде ровные, даже в прямоугольных частях логотипа. А окружности совсем косые.
Теперь я уменьшу изображение в 2 раза, затем еще в 2 раза и покажу вам результат перевода в вектор. Вот вам и наглядный пример, того как размер растрового изображения влияет на качество трассировки. И это при том что изображение весьма качественное не смотря на размер. Ну ка, уменьшу ка я качество. Сохраним картинку в JPG при наихудшем качестве.
Переведем в вектор. Отличный результат, не хватает только кетчупа. В самый раз довольному заказчику, обработка под гранж или винтаж!
И все же я слегка манипулирую правдой. Дело в том, что все это резонно для Иллюстратора, который создает вектор на основе картинки. Фотошоп не создает вектор на основе картинки, он создает контуры на основе выделения. Логично, чем качественнее и ровнее выделение, тем ровнее получатся кривые. И инструмент Волшебная палочка, которым мы выделяли эти области, уже не подойдет для выделения таких жутких изображений. Да, вы сумеете сделать качественные выделения, задействовать все инструменты выделения, сумеете даже увеличить их и создать на основе них более менее ровный контур, который все равно будет не идеальным. Идти таким путем просто потеря времени. Единственный рабочий вариант — отрисовать логотип с нуля в Фотошопе, о чем я и расскажу в следующей статье.
Part 1 — Key Logo Design Ideas & Principles — Photoshop Tutorial
If you’ve grasped logo design rules very well or just want a quick guide on Photoshop logo, then you can click & jump to «» part directly.
When designing or redesigning a logo, take into account — your plan, marketing and vision, as these components are fundamental to the success of your business. Believe it or not, your logo, as the messager, influences your business unimaginably. Before going anywhere else, we’ll share six core rules for logo design.
1.Consistency — Make sure audiences perceive your logo and brand the same.
When people see a new logo, they will think of your consistent services, quality and vision. Never vary logo design greatly from your used logo. Or it may appear untrusted to your customers, somehow.
2.Easy to Memorize — Make logo catchy.
Typically, we all have a short-term memory. Putting too much information into logo design won’t be a wise option.
3.Recognizable — Make the logo unique.
It’s essential to guarantee the logo design is unique. Don’t try letting your audiences to recall your logo design. They just don’t have that patience.
4.Realistic — Ensure logo graphics is related to your service.
Use graphics similar to the symbols in the same category. Don’t use some abstract graphics in the logo, or no one will know what it represents.
5.Pleasing Vision Experience — Ensure that customers have a better user experience when viewing your logo.
Competing your competitors in vision enjoyment of logo is a great leap toward dominating the market share. Who will say «No» to a service that brings them happiness and solves their problems?
6.A Sense of Obtaining — Make users feel something fresh and that they can’t agree more. Give free reins to their imagination.
A meaningful story behind a logo and brand has significant impacts on winning customers. Instilling your value and vision into customers via logo design is a smart move.
Judge your logo ideas with preceding six rules: if it has all of these features, be brave and take your logo idea into action. Otherwise, redesign it.
Make A Logo
Photographers Logo | Lifestyle
Photos of this genre show life in motion, it’s not a specially made pose photo of a person, it’s a usual human behavior, an «accidental» photo. Lifestyle photo is an intention to capture people in real-life situations, show their real emotions. This method is a combination of press photography and fine art. The purpose of lifestyle photography is to capture the story; continuously and with utmost care.
We have Simple camera on a tripod – the logo that highlights the main parts in bold.considered a similar white logo with the slightly different shape of the camera. Careless font adds a street temper.
Photography Logo Template
Cream camera – a good choice for summer photos with warm tones.
Photography Logo Template
Photographers Logo | Architecture
We see beautiful architecture every day, it surrounds us, no wonder that this genre of photography is so popular all over the world. Everything can be depicted with the help of it, from panoramic images of the city and pictures of magnificent skyscrapers to the pictures of secluded buildings. Such photography genre is often divided into two types -old and new architecture, but it doesn’t mean that you must adhere to these strict rules.
Name around the lens – an original idea of putting all the inscriptions around the lens.
Photography Logo Template
We have already considered a similar white logo with the slightly different shape of the camera. Careless font adds a street temper.
Photography Logo Template
Photography Logo | Wedding
Wedding photography is one of the most complex and demanded types of photographic styles. The difficulty lies in the fact that the photographer must work for several hours without missing a single moment of the event. People are very responsible for choosing a photographer for their wedding ceremony and therefore you should immediately create the impression of a professional shooter in your business. Your photography logo design should be suitable for a wedding theme, no matter it is just the word «wedding» on the logo, or the presence of wedding items on it (rings, flowers, etc.)
Thick white lines. The logo looks great in white color, in black it’s look too dark.
Photography Logo Template
The gold ring in the lens. This logo is a great choice for wedding photographer
Photography Logo Template
Connecting figures. It is an abstract logo but very attractive for wedding photography services
Photography Logo Template
Connecting rings in B&W. These rings symbolize wedding rings and photographer’s lens.
Photography Logo Template
Old-fashioned design. Vintage and solemn wedding patterns around the name.
Photography Logo Template
A brilliant lens. Pastel blue and white colors make this wedding photography logo gentle and stylish.
Photography Logo Template
A pink logo with white ornaments looks like a print, will decorate and look harmoniously on wedding photos.
Photography Logo Template
Patterns around the name. This logo looks as if it was hand-written. Suits great for classical wedding photographers.
Photography Logo Template
Strict & neat. This style is all reserved, transparent, great for a male photographer.
Photography Logo Template
A white bow-tie. Made for studio photography services, minimum ornaments and maximum style
Photography Logo Template
This photography logo is made in black colors, the heart above the camera remarkably sets the spirit of the wedding mood. A good contrast for the photos with white wedding dress.
Photography Logo Template
Connected cameras. Both cameras’ lenses look like the wedding rings.
Photography Logo Template
The heart inside the name. A cute but simple photography logo in yellow color.
Photography Logo Template
The right option for wedding photographers who shoot love stories, take engagement and romantic photos. This logo is perfect for professionals who know how to capture the moments of happiness.
Photography Logo Template
Wanderlust logo is a worthy option for travel photographers and adventurers. Show your clients that you can brave the toughest weather conditions to take mesmerizing landscape photos.
Photography Logo Template
Camera Frame is a good choice for professional shooters who specialize in landscape and nature photographs. Grab the attention of your potential clients with this exquisite logo design.
Photography Logo Template
Why You Need a Photography Logo?
The photography business is a very competitive nowadays. According to a research, 60% of photographers quit their photography business in one year. Rest of them give up during the second and the third year of their business undertaking. This statistical information shows that you must be ready to come up against fierce competition in the photography services market. But still, you are able to build a good reputation for your photo business and get the positive development prospects if you have a good branding.
First of all, your business needs the professional photography logo design ideas to convey the essence of your business project. The photography logo of your company plays a very important role because if your logo is not professional, your company can’t be considered professional too. Photography logos and watermarks mustn’t be catchy, but they must transfer the right message to your future clients. Your clients must be able to understand the concept of your business through your logo.
No matter whether you are a freelance tog or an owner of an advertising agency or a photography website, you need a good, qualified logo and the best watermark for photography to be successful in this business.
How to Choose a Photography Logo?
Look through the photography names and logos of big successful companies and think what makes them be so popular in order to create your own unique logotype which can distinguish your company from hundreds of other agencies.
Make a list of what you like and don’t like about those logos and find a special punch line for your logotype. Such important elements as color, professional logo font, size, graphic/no graphic, tagline/no tagline must be carefully considered because details are extremely important.
Separate the photography logo ideas you like from those you don’t like and use your skills and imagination to create your incredible logo masterpiece.
The color of your photography logo must be soft and not contain too bright and incongruous colors. You need to choose the one which can be easily put onto your works without drawing too much attention on it. The best way to make sure that your logo will be well transferred from one background to another is to make the one-colored logo. We know that it’s hard to do when there’s a whole rainbow of colors for usage, but the fewer colors you use for your free logo pictures, the easier your logo can be used. Use black and white colors if you can’t decide what colors to choose.
The main thing for designs for photography logos is not to combine a lot of things together. Experiment with different elements by combining them together to see whether they work together or not. But remember that too many elements can spoil your logo. Don’t try to put your business name, slogan and graphic on your logo design template because your logo will be oversaturated. There are exceptions to the rules, of course, and some companies prove that many elements can create a perfect logo but you must possess an ideal taste and style, in this case.
If you still want to have some graphics on your logotype, do it properly and of appropriate size. Choose something suitable for your brand, the logo picture must convey the main idea of your business.
There are a lot of photography logo fonts you can choose from. But what font will be perfect for your logo? First of all, don’t follow trends, choose a font which you really like, but it must be readable and precise. Remember that your clients will read it too, that’s why it must be understandable for them too. You can try to mix up a script and a standard(serif/sans serif) font. A script font must be readable if you decide to use it.
After choosing your ideal logo, you must act consistently. It means that you should use the same logo on your branding and watermark images. Don’t forget that your logo is a thing which makes you be recognizable. Don’t use different logos on social media and watermarking not to confuse your clients. Your logo must be associated with your business. Don’t make a mess in your customers’ heads by constant changing of your logo. If you’ve just started your photography business, be ready to use the same logotype for at least 3 years because if you want to be successful — stability will work in your favor.
Your logo can accompany you during all of your business periods but there are cases when you need to change it. Rebranding can be useful sometimes but don’t forget to announce about it.
Thus, we can see that the easiest way to select your photography logo should be based on the style of your photography services. If you still cannot decide, our advice is to choose minimalism.
Part 2 — How to Create Logo in Photoshop? — Step by Step Photoshop Logo Tutorial
This part is a logo design tutorial based on Photoshop CC. If you’ve installed other versions of Photoshop, no worry! PS shortcuts remain the same, and these steps will be roughly alike. Let’s enjoy the journey of Photoshop logo and make a coffee logo as our tutorial.
Step 1: Instance A Background Layer.
Open PS CC, and hit . Alternatively, keystroke + N. Enter the name of your logo project, along with the width and height. Usually, we set width to 1000 px and height to 1000 px. But you are free to input your wanted logo size here. Choose a background color, like 8A7139, for your logo and click .
Image: How to create a background layer in PS?
Step 2: Add Coffee Slogan — Logo Text.
Add a new layer by selecting >>, or by using Photoshop shortcut combination: + + N. Pick Photoshop Text tool from the toolbox on the left. Type your slogan — your logo text, select the font style and font color. It’s allowed to change your text to a curved one, the option is right next to font color option on the top. But we won’t use it this time.
Image: How to create a logo text in PS?
Additionally, Photoshop offers a wider range of advanced options for a text, which can be easily found under . Here, we just take advantage of these features and fine tune our logo text to make it look stylish. To change text position, you can keystroke V letter and move the object. Or double click on the Logo Text layer, move mouse cursor outside the text (you will see a change of cursor shape) and drag it to move.
What’s more? Right-click Logo Text layer, go , then you will find Layer Style windows. Just give these styles a try, you may see something interests you.
Image: How to customize texts in PS?
Step 3: Add Coffee Graphics as Logo Shape.
For logo shape, we are about to use a part of an image for a cup of coffee. Use + O to open an image that is about coffee. Keystroke W and apply it to the whole coffee cup. Right-click and select . It will generate a layer named . Drag and add it to block in previous document. In this case, our previous document is Photoshop-Coffee-Logo.psd.
Image: How to use Photoshop Selection Tool?
Step 4: Reorganize Logo Text and Logo Shape.
Resize logo text by applying a larger font size. Make use of shortcut to select any object on your canvas quickly. Move their positions on the canvas for a nice look.
Image: how to adjust positions in PS.
Step 5: Output Your Logo.
Go > , or keystroke + + + W.
Useful Tips: Have done something bad in previous step when Photoshopping? Hit + + Z.
From these steps, we know that using Photoshop to DIY a logo is workable but not that efficient. Also, note that Photoshop has yet fully support outputting SVG logo.
Create A Logo Fast
Photographers Logo | Portrait
The most famous style of photography in the world is portraits, of course. It’s a huge genre of photography which includes dozens of subgenres. It doesn’t matter whether a photography demonstrate a person’s face, whether a person looks at the camera, whether he or she stands alone or it’s a group photo, whether the picture shows only a person’s head or a head and a body, the main thing is that the photo is focused on a person. If you don’t know how to make a logo for photography, here are our tips. It will be better for a photographer to have a logo with a portrait in a background, an excellent choice will be the best photo made by you.
Old camera and one-color inscription – restrained font style and icons fit almost all kinds of portrait photography.
Photography Logo Template
Hands simulating the camera – the hands depicted on the logo are placed in such a way that the circle between them plays the role of an objective, forming a camera.
Photography Logo Template
Sketch style camera – a white variation of the logo that was mentioned earlier, looks great even on light photos.
Photography Logo Template
Large lens – one of the logos consisting of a large number of elements. It looks good on the one-color background, however it can get lost on a dark photos.
Photography Logo Template
Camera with a ring in the lens – a great choice for wedding photographers. The circle of the lens forms a ring, and a triangle above imitates a diamond.
Photography Logo Template
Lens with a wide ring – a variation of the previous logo but with a more pronounced ring, so it’s very easy to notice.
Photography Logo Template
Camera is inserted in a sign of infinity – uite an original choice of a logo that will help you stand out among other photographers.
Photography Logo Template
Logo in the frame – a simple logo surrounded by a frame, which is clearly visible in the photo. Especially well highlighted the icon of the camera.
Photography Logo Template
Photography film is very discreet and stylish logo
Photography Logo Template
The beauty is in simplicity, there are a lot of trifles on the logo, but they make it original.
Photography Logo Template